
Sunday, 29 December 2019

MacArthur believes the man is like God: Paganism has entered the Church P/9

                                                       Read Part One HERE

In this post I will compare a statement from Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle with statements from Pastor/Author John MacArthur.

Aristotle has said the following:

The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled.

John MacArthur has said the following:

..... Men are in authority and women are in submission in general.

A man is the highest manifestation of God on earth.... Man is the king of the earth... And I don't mean generic man; I mean sexually male man. Man is sovereign in the world. He is the delegated authority and majesty of God.

My Comment:

From the above statements we can learn that Pastor/Author John MacArthur's thinking is very like that of the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle when discussing the roles of men and women. It is very obvious, therefore, that John MacArthur was very influenced by past cultures in his understanding of the word of God when it is related to that particular subject which in turn will have influenced and still influences the Reformed Church.
Read Part Ten HERE

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Grudem believes women want to take over: Paganism has entered the Church P/8

                                                      Read Part One HERE

In this post I will compare a statement from Pagan Greek Philospher Aristotle with a statement from Professor Wayne A. Grudem.

Aristotle has said the following:

The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled.

Way A. Grudem has said the following:

In Genesis 3:16c God said to the woman,
"Your desire shall be for your husband."
The word "desire" here, which God gave as a punishment, is not a sexual desire, but an agressive and hostile desire to compete for leadership and to resist Adam's leadership.

In Genesis 3:16d God said to the woman,
"And he shall rule over you."
Adam is going to rule over Eve, but to rule by virtue that he is stronger. Before the Fall, Adam and Eve had a relationship that was beautiful, harmonious, loving and kind, and yet there was a leadership role that Adam had that Eve did not have. Eve was supporting and helping that leadership role.

 My comment:

From the above statements we can learn that Professor Wayne A. Grudem's thinking is very like that of the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle when discussing the roles of men and women. It is very obvious, therefore, that Wayne A. Grudem was very influenced by past cultures in his understanding of the word of God when it is related to that particular subject which in turn will have influenced the view of many believers who follow his teachings.
Read Part Nine HERE

Monday, 16 December 2019

Piper believes God created men to be in charge: Paganism entered the Church P/7

                                                      Read Part One HERE

In this post I will compare a statement from the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle with a statement from Bible College Chancellor John Piper.

Aristotle has said the following:

The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled.

John Piper has said the following:

Before sin entered the world God ordained and fitted Adam to be a loving, caring, strong leader for his wife Eve. And before sin entered God ordained Eve to be a partner who supports that leadership and helps carry it through.

The two arguments for not permitting a woman to have authority over men are:

1. The order of creation (man first, women second) implies a unique leadership role for the man.
2. The neglect of the divine pattern leads to transgression.

My comment:

From the above statements we can learn that Reformed Pastor John Piper's thinking is very like that of the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle when discussing the roles of men and women. It is very obvious, therefore, that John Piper is very influenced by past cultures in his understanding of the word of God when it is related to that particular subject, which in turn will have influenced the view of the Reformed Church on the role of men and women.
Read Part Eight HERE

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Rice believes women must know their place: Paganism has entered the Church P/6

                                                      Read Part One HERE

In this post I will compare a statement from the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle with a statement from the Southern Baptist Evangelist John R. Rice.

Aristotle has said the following:

The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled.

John R. Rice has said the following:

God made Adam First. Eve was made second as his helpmeet subject to him. For that reason, says Paul, women are not to teach men in the church, are not to be chief officers in the church nor to have authority over men. For women to take such authority is not properly and naturally theirs. From the creation I Timothy 2:11-15 says, women are to take the place of subjection, because they were not created to have authority over men to teach men.

My Comment:

From the above statements we can learn that the Southtern Baptist Evangelist John R. Rice's thinking was very like that of the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle when discussing the roles of men and women. It is very obvious, therefore, that John R. Rice was very influenced by past cultures in his understanding of the word of God when it is related to that particular subject, which in turn would have influenced the view of the Southern Baptist Church on the role of men and women.
Read Part Seven HERE

Monday, 9 December 2019

Calvin believes God made the woman eternally inferior: Paganism entered the Church P/5

                                                      Read Part One HERE

In this post I will compare a statement from the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle with a statement from the Protestant Reformer John Calvin

Aristotle has said the following:

The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled.

John Calvin has said the following:

In I Timothy 2:11-15 Paul assigns two reasons why women ought to be subject to men; because not only did God enact this law at the beginning, but He also inflicted it as a punishment on the woman.

Now Moses shows that the woman was created afterwards in order that she should render obedience to him. Since, therefore, God did not create two chiefs of equal power, but added to the man an inferior aid, the apostle justly reminds us of that order of creation in which the eternal and inviolable appointment of God is strikingly displayed.

My Comment:

From the above statements we can learn that Protestant Reformer John Calvin's thinking was very like that of the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle when discussing the roles of men and women. It is very obvious, therefore, that John Calvin was very influenced by past cultures in his understanding of the word of God when it is related to that particular subject, which in turn would have influenced the view of the Protestant Church on the roles of men and women.

Read Part Six HERE

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Luther believes God selected the man to rule the woman: Paganism has entered the Church P/4

                                                       Read Part One HERE

In this post I will compare a statement from the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle with a statement from Protestant Reformed Martin Luther.

Aristotle has said the following:

The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled.

Martin Luther has said the following:

God Himself has so ordained that the man was created first - first in time and first in authority. Because of God's work, Adam is approved as superior to Eve, because he had the right of primogeniture. Not only has God's wisdom ordained this, there was more wisdom and courage in Adam. Paul has thus proven that by divine and human right Adam is the master of the woman (I Timothy 2:11-15).

My comment"

From the above statements we can learn that the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther's thinking was very like that of the pagan Greek philosopher Aristotle when discussing the roles of men and women. It is very obvious, therefore, that Martin Luther was very influenced by past cultures in his understanding of the word of God when it is related to that particular subject, which in turn would have influenced the view of the Protestant Church on the roles of men and women.

As for as the issue of primogeniture is concerned, that issue is specifically related to two brothers in a family when, usually, the first born brother would receive the birth right. It does, therefore, not apply to the first man and the first woman.
Read Part Five HERE

Monday, 2 December 2019

Augustine believes the woman's sole function is to bear children: Paganism has entered the Church P/3

                                                      Read Part One HERE

In this post I will compare a statement from the Pagan Greek Philosopher Aristotle with a statement from Roman Catholic Church Father Augustine.

Aristotle has said the following:

The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled.

Augustine has said the following:

When the woman is assigned as a helpmate, a function pertaining to her alone, she is not in the image of God.
I cannot think of any reason for a woman being made a man's helper, if we dismiss the reason of procreation.

My comment

From the above statements we can learn that the Roman Catholic Church Father Augustine's thinking was very like that of the pagan Greek philosopher Aristotle when discussing the roles of men and women. It is very obvious, therefore, that Augustine was very influenced by past cultures in his understanding of the word of God as it is related to that particular subject, which in turn would have influenced the view of the Roman Catholic Church on the roles of men and women.
Read Part Four HERE