
Thursday, 25 June 2020

The husband takes the place of Christ: The Wilson Saga P/12

                                                    Read Part One HERE

In this post I will continue to focus on Nancy Wilson, the wife of Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church, Moscos, Idaho, US.

Nancy Wilson has made the following statement in relation to judging if a woman's ministry is valid.

Nancy Wilson: "The first question to ask and answer is:
1."Who is this woman's husband?"
Next we must ask many subsidiary questions.
2."Is she fulfilling her ministry to him?"
3."Is he her priority?"
4."Is she helping him?"
5."Is her house in order?"
6."Is he leading her in this ministry?"
7."Is her identity as a Christian woman centred, under Christ, around her relationship to her husband?"
But if her answer to any of the earlier questions is "no," then her ministry is likely independent of her husband, much like a separate career.

My Comment
The first question to ask and answer is:
1."Is Jesus her Lord and Saviour?"
Next we must ask many subsidiary questions:
2."Is she fulfilling her ministry to the Lord?"
3."Is He her priority?"
4."Is she serving where He has placed her to serve Him in the Body of Christ in accordance with her God-given gifts and abilities (I Corinthians 12:4-11)?"
5."Is her spiritual house in order for her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 6:19)?"
6."Is Christ leading her in her ministry?"
7."Is her identity in Christ?"
P.S. It seems to me that Nancy has turned her husband into an idol who has taken the place of Christ in her heart (Matthew 10:37). Furthermore, she does not seem to understand that, according to the Scriptures, her identity is to be found in Christ, not under Christ, and not in relationship to her husband (Romans 8:1; II Corinthians 5:17; II Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 1:3; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:10 etc etc).
Read Part Thirteen HERE

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