Read Part One HERE
In this post I will continue to share on the Had Coverings Movement founded by Jeremy Gardiner.
He has written the following article: "Why Head Coverings? Reason No 3: Nature."
Jeremy Gardiner: "Paul's third reason for head coverings is an appeal to a person's sense of what is right based upon what nature teaches us."
Jeremy Gardiner: "There are two things that nature teaches us: 1.That there are distinct differences between men and women. 2. When a gender distinction is disregarded and crossed that dishonours a person. To illustrate this point Paul gave the example of our hair lengths. He said that women having long hair and men having short hair is one of these gender distinctions that is seen in nature and dishonourable if crossed. Now, a head covering in the context of the local church is a femine symbol of being under male authority. Since the symbol is rooted in our gender disctinctions nature teaches us that to cross this symbol would likewise be dishourable (1 Corinthians 11:4-5). So while head coverings are taught explicitly by special revelation, it is confirmed by what nature silently teaches us as well."
My Comment
Jeremy Gardiner is correct in saying that there are distinct differences between men and women. However, when God brought the woman to the man he first of all recognised that she was like him before recognizing that she was different from him because he was male and she was female as we know from Gensisis 2:23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man." Having been taken out of him, she was a human being like him and, therefore, equal to him in every respect. This verse, once again, confirms what God said about the man and the woman in Genesis 1:26-28.... As for women having to have long hair as one of the gender distinctions, African women are not able to ever have long hair.....As for men never having long hair, Samson and others like him, never cut their hair....(Judges 13:5)....As for head coverings for women being a symbol of them being under male authority according to 1 Corinthians 11:4-5, these words are not Paul's words by are words by some of the religious leaders in the church in Corinth who wanted to keep women in their place, very much like some men today...(There is nothing new under the sun)...Head coverings are, therefore, not explicity taught by special revelation nor it is silently taught by nature.
Read Part Sixteen HERE