
Sunday, 29 May 2022

History repeats itself at Christ Church: The Sproul/Wilson Story P/5


                                           Read Part One HERE

In this story I continue to focus on two men. They are R.C. Sproul Jr, previously the pastor of St Peter Presbyterian Church, Bristol, Virginia, and Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, Virginia, this time in connection with a pedophile named Alex R. Lloyd., who served as a deacon at  Christ Church.

Alex. R. Lloyd was removed as deacon and was then "placed under church discipline." The congregation was informed of "the situation" on February 7. However, Wilson said Lloyd had been allowed to attend Christ church services with "a chaperone." Additonally, Wilson noted that Lloyed went "to Texas" to check into a sexual rehab  facility but has since returned.

A jury trial has been set for June 21 in the federal case against Alex Lloyd.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Pedophiles continue to be accepted at Christ Church: Sproul/Wilson Story P/4

                                           Read Part One HERE

In this post I will continue the Sproul/Wilson stoy. This time the story is not related to Steven Sitler but to a man named Alex R. Lloyd, a (former) deacon of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, Virginia, pastored by Doug Wilson. Lloyd was recently indicted by federal authorities for possession of child pornography. 

An investigation led by Moscow police department forensic detective Lawrence Mowers found that Lloyd possessed child sex abuse images on his I-phone from 8 March 2021 to January of this year, according to court documents.

Pastor Wilson said in a statement that the church first received word last January that Lloyd had been taken in for questioning, but no charges were filed at that time. At the family's requst, Wilson said, he picked up Lloyd at the police station. And "because of what had come out regarding a porn habit," Wilson said, he received Lloyd's resignation and "started the process of removing Lloyd from office as a deacon."

Read Part Five HERE


Sunday, 22 May 2022

Pedophiles are welcome at Christ Church: The Sproul/Wilson Story P/3

                                           Read Part One HERE

In this post I will continue to focus on two men. They are Jr Sproul Jr, who previously pastored St Peter Presbyterian Church, Bristol, Virginia, and Doug Wislon, pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, Virginia, in connection with  a man named Steven Sitler.

As I already mentioned, Steven Sitler moved to Moscow, Idaho, Virginia after having lived in Bristol, Virginia, where he attended St Peter Presbyterian Church (see Part One). While attending Christ Church, pastored by Doug Wilson, he was eventually caught abusing children. This time he was convicted and sent to prison. However, pastor Wilson pleaded for leniency for him. After an 18-months sentence he was released on probation. Some years later he married a young woman from Doug Wilson's church with whom he had a child. He was later removed from his home for violating probation. You can read details of this story in a blog post I published on June 4, 2020

Read Part Four HERE



Wednesday, 18 May 2022

The minister is indifferent to any abuse: Sproul/Wilson Story P/2


Read Part One HERE

In this post I will continue to focus on R.C. Sproul Jr. He previously pastored St Peter Presbyterian Church, Bristol, Virginia, USA.

 In the spring of 2004 Sproul was notified by the Latah County Idaho prosecutor that children under Sproul's charge had been molested by Steven Sitler in the summer of 2003. R.C. Sproul Jr had already received a personal letter of apology from Steven Sitler, naming which of his children he had molested. The implication was made even more clear by the repeated attempts of the Latah County Prosecutor to contact Sproul that Sitler had not just molested Sproul's children. Very likely, Sitler had also molested other children from St Peter Presbyterian Church, pastored by R.C. Sproul Jr. The Latah County Prosecutor attempted on multiple occasions to contact Sproul and to inform him, both in writing and via phone messages, that he could bring criminal charges against Steven Sitler in Virginia. The Prosecutor even conveyed that he would assisst Sitler's extradition to Virginia, should Sproul press charges. Much to the dismay of the Latah County prosecutor Sproul never responded to any of the prosecutor's communiques.

In 2006 Sproul was defrocked by the Westminister Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly for abusing his ministerial authority and misusing another denomination's tax ID number. 

Sproul has recently started a new church called Sovereign Grace Fellowship.

My Comment

It is obvious that R.C. Sproul Jr did not care for his children's well being after he was told that they had been molested. Neither did he care for the well being of the children in his congregation who, likewise, might have been molested by Steven Sitler, since he did not even try to work with the Prosecutor to bring him back to Virginia for trial.

Read Part Three HERE

Sunday, 15 May 2022

Pedophiles are welcome at St Peter Presbyterian Church: Sproul/Wilson Story P/1


I will begin a series of posts  focusing on two men. They are R.C. Sproul Jr, who previously pastored St Peter Presbyterian Church, Bristol, Virginia, and Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, Virginia, in connection with a man named Steven Sitler. R.C.

In June 2003 Steven Sitler moved to Virginia to study at The Highlands Study Center (later renamed Highlands Ministries). He grew up in Colville, Washington, where he attended Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and violated several children of that congregation. While studying at The Higlands Study Center Sitler attended Sproul's church, which was attended by many home schooling families. Sitler offered to watch their children.

 He lived in Virginia from early June until August 2003. He then moved to Moscow, Idaho to be a student at New Saint Andrew's College, which is associated with Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, pastored by Doug Wilson. While there, he was convicted as a serial pedophile.

Read Part Two HERE

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Wives should never find a place of safety: Biblical Counseling P/4

                                                     Read Part One HERE

This is my final post in my brief series of posts on John Street, the Head of Counseling at The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS), which is attached to Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, USA, pastored by John MacArthur.

 John Street: "We learn His faithfulness through all those hardships. In most abusive counseling you don't hear that, because most abuse counselors will be very quick to get that person to escape and not teach them God's faithfulness or the importance of their faithfulness in living out Christianity even in the midst of severe affliction."

John Street: "When a woman sets boundaries with an abusive husband, such as moving out and keeping her location secret, it just enrages her abuser and precludes any kind of restoration."

John Street: "The situation often becomes so violent couples can't live together. Then couples grow apart while separated and reunification becomes less likely."

My Comment

John Street's counsel is unbiblical and very dangerous. His views should be warned against!!

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Dead wives are not good testimonies: Biblical Counseling P/3


                                                       Read Part One HERE

In this post I will continue my brief series of posts on John Street, the Head of Counseling at The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS), which is attached to Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, pastored by John MacArthur.


John Street: "Is it wrong for a wife to separate from her husband, or for that matter, for a husband to separate from an unbelieving wife? Yes, if her goal and purpose is to just simply get out of trouble, I think it's wrong."

John Street: "Her goal must first be to please God. She needs to be with him or her needs to be with her, in order to win their spouse over to righteousness. Sometimes it means hardship. Sometimes it means abuse.This is always the risk...."

John Street offers one exception: "If a husband has convincingly shown he is "out to kill" his wife and the church government has been "brought in to play," then separation is allowed, for "a dead testimony is no testimony at all."

John Street: "The way you win over your husband is not by putting "repent" in the bottom of his beer can. It is without a word. You don't win him over by lecturing him into righteousness. That is not the way you win him over. And in the context of 1 Peter 3:1, the husband is an unbeliever, who is being harsh and mistreating his wife."

My Comment

The above counsel is very dangerous for God never asks a wife to remain with a husband in the case of abuse. His view of God is not in line with Scripture where God describes Himself as the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness (Eodus 34:6).

Read Part Four HERE



Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Christ wants wives to accept abuse: Biblical Counseling P/2

                                                   Read Part One HERE

 In this post I will continue my brief series of posts on John Street, the Head of Counseling at The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS), which is attached to Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, USA, pastored by John MacArthur.

 John Street on a victim of abuse: "The abused victim is the key player in reaching and changing the abuser. So just like a missionary risks harm to himself and his family, the abused spouse should do the same."

John Street: "If saving the body is the ultimate goal in counseling, to be consistent, we would have to make that the ultimate goal of Christian across the board. So that would mean a lot of missionaries who are in locations around the world, where they are under bodily threat, we're going to pull them out and put them in a protective situation because husbands, wives and children are under bodily threat. What does that say about Christians in countries like China where the church is openly abused and physically harmed? Rather than ultimately seeking to prevent harm, the goal of biblical counseling is "to seek to glorify God in order to win the abuser over to righteousness." and "to be God's kind of person even in the midst of your trial."

Street added: "Christ did not come to help us escape all the hardships of life. In fact, through those hardships, this is where we learn to obey."

My Comment

The above is dangerous and unbiblical teaching. The apostles fled situations when their lives were being threatened such as Acts 12:14 where we read of Peter leaving Jerusalem for a place of safety. And in Acts 9:23-25 we read of Paul's (Saul's) escape with the help of believers. And in Acts 14:5-7 we read of Paul and Barnabas fleeing to Lystra and Derbe. And in Acts 22:25 Paul made use of the fact that he was a Roman citizen in order for him not to be flogged. 

Read Part Three HERE

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Wives should not set boundaries: Biblical Counseling P/1


In this post I will begin a brief series of posts on John Street, the Head of Counseling at The Master's University and Seminary (TMUS), which is attached to Crace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, USA, pastored by John MacArthur.


John Street critizes secular and "integrationist counseling," which combines psychology and biblical principles, for focusing on physical safety of abused persons as a primary goal.

He is, furthermore, critical of domestic shelters, which teach women to set boundaries. Street calls this approach "assertiveness training." According to him, boundaries can exacerbate the cycle of abuse.

My Comment

Domestic shelters have been safe places for many women and their children to protect them from abusive husbands.  

Read Part Two HERE