Read Part One HERE
In this post I will continue to share the story of a woman named Emma Blanche Adams Stamp. She lived from 1863 - 1945. As revivialists, Blanche and her husband travelled widely. In an August 30, 1902, report from Gallatin Tennessee, Emma provides a snapshot of their revivals. Assisting J.M. Keen and W. Mayfield, who were district elders, they pitched a large tent in the centre of Gallatin where Emma notes "the Lord began to send the crowds." After Tenessee, Emma and her husband moved on to hold revivals in Louisiana and Missippi for two months where Emma said the location was "the most needy field I ever was in, and I believe God will come and answer the prayers for the salvation of many people."In an April 16, 1911 report Emma recalls a visit to Manhatten, Kansas, where she was "preaching the gospel of peace." A sixty-seven year old Roman Catholic woman came to hear her and while she was "very deaf" and had not been in church for forty years, she seemed keen on hearing Emma preach.
According to Emma, she heard every word of the sermon and came with a broken heart to the altar and prayed earnestly though all was dark and the manner of the altar service was new and strange to her. It was truly sad to look upon her face. She would frequently stop and say, "Sister Stamp, I hope I am forgiven, but oh I want to know it." Again and again she would repeat the words, "I hope I am saved, but I want to know it." At last she exclaimed, "Oh sister Stamp, I know it! I know it!" Think of a woman sixty-seven years of age, and never happy in her life! O wonderful gospel.Having now a thirst for the Word of life, she bought a bible and is now daily drinking at the foundation of the stream that makes glad the city of God.
Read Part Forty-One HERE