
Thursday 9 January 2020

In this post I will focus on Confusianism, which has greatly influenced the cultures in countries such as Korea and China.

The school of thought represented by Confucius has strong contempt for women. It asserts male superiority and female inferiority and holds that women are subordinate to men.

His successor Mencius has said to women: "Do not disobey your husband because to look upon compliance as their correct course is the rule for women." 
This means that women must do as men say and must in no way act against the wishes of her husband.

My Comment:

The above statements are very similar to those of Religious leaders  of today such as

Pastor John MacArthur who has said the following:

Men are in authority and women are in submission in general.

A man is the highest manifestation of God on earth.... Man is king of the earth.... And I don't mean generic man; I mean sexually male man. Man is sovereign in the world. He is the delegated authority and majesty of God.

Seminary Chancellor John Piper who has said the following:

The two arguments for not permitting a woman to have authority over a man are:

1.The order of creation (man first, woman second) implies a unique leadership role for the man.
2.The neglect of the divine pattern leads to transgression.

Sadly both Pastor John MacArthur's as well as Seminary Chancellor John Piper's understanding of the roles of men and women is more in line with Confusianism than with the Scriptures.  Unfortunately, their views are very influential in the Church today, which means that many believers, unknowingly, are being taught principles more in line with Confusianism rather than Biblical Christianity, at least as far as the roles for men and women is concerned.

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