Read Part One HERE
In this post I will continue to focus on bible teacher and author Martha Peace. This time we will look at statements from Chapter Seven of her book "The Excellent Wife."
Martha Peace: "That I may cultivate an attitude of joy and gratitude in what God is doing in my life no matter what my husband does or does not do."
Martha Peace: "That I may have joy in God deciding how my life and circumstances can glorify Him the most, that He can use me for His glory."
My Comment
God was grieved when the people of the earth were sinful (Genesis 6:6). He was not joyful and grateful.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem because she did not accept Him as her Messiah (Luke 19:41-44). He was not joyful and grateful.
Martha Peace's advice that a wife is to be joyful and grateful no matter what her husband does and does not do is unbiblical and possibly dangerous advice. Instead, a wife may need to take action in the form of calling the police, or a help-line in relation to getting support or finding a safe place for herself and her children when her husband is mentally, emotionally, spiritually and/or physically abusive.
A biblical example is Abigail who was not joyful and grateful when her husband refused to take care of David's men. She took action by bringing food and drink to them without her husband's knowledge and so avoided a blood bath (1 Samuel 25:2-38). I wonder what Martha Peace's advice would have been had she seen Abigail when she was on her way to David's men with the food and the drink. I should think Martha Peace would have tried to persuade her not to go to David's men since she was not being an obedient wife who was joyful and grateful in her circumstances....
Read Part Eight HERE