
Sunday, 20 October 2019

John R.Rice believes women are an easy target for the devil: Equal, BUT P/4

Read Part One HERE

In this post and in the next post I will focus on Dr John R. Rice, an Baptist Evangelist who lived from 1895 - 1980.

He has said the following:

"God made Adam first. Eve was made second and as his helpmeet subject to him. For that reason, says Paul, women are not to teach men in the church, are not to be chief officers in the church nor to have authority over men. For women to take such authority is not properly and naturally theirs. From the creation, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 says, women are to take the place of subjection, because they were not created to have authority over men to teach men."

"And again Paul says that the weakness of a woman and her aptness to be misled is shown because Ädam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." Satan found he could deceive Ever easier that he could deceive Adam. God made women after such a  fashion that she should be a comfortable and obedient helpmeet, a mate who would fit in to his will and plans, So, in the nature of the case, women are not as well fitted for executive authority. If women are more easily led, they are not as good leaders. Every pastor knows that women are easier to enlist in good work. But careful observers must admit that women are also easier led into false doctrines and into errors of various kinds. But the argument here in 1 Timothy 2:14 is that Satan was able to deceive Eve when he could not deceive Adam and that this is evidence that women should not be placed in authority in churches and in Christian work. If he could deceive Eve easier in the Garden of Eden, he could deceive women easier now. This means that women leaders are more likely to lead into heresy in doctrine and unscriptural practice than men. Women are not fitted to teach men or usurp authority over men, says 1 Timothy 2:14. But also, in 1 Timothy 2:15, God has a special duty and privilege for women in childbearing. If they submit themselves to God's plan in humility and meekness , then they shall be rescued and preserved, when pangs of childbirth are come upon them. Many godly women have found sweet comfort and ease and help in the time when they go down into the valley of the shadows to bring forth a child for the Lord, receiving help from God because they were willing to take a woman's place in submission."
Read Part Five HERE

1 comment:

  1. Dr John Rice ignores the fact that In Genesis 1:26-28 God told the man and the woman to rule over creation, which did not include the man having authority over the woman.

    As for women leaders more likely to be leading into heresy in doctrine and unscriptural practice than men, the opposite is true since many more men have started cults etc compared to women (See List of Religious Movements - Wilkepedia).

    When speaking of 1 Timothy 2:14
    "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression"
    Dr Rice has taken the approach that the text should be literally understood as it is written.

    However, he has not taken the same literal approach when speaking of 1 Timothy 2:15
    "Nevertheless, she shall be saved in childbearing."

    His explanation of the text is not correct but it does prove that Dr Rice understood that she or, any woman for that matter, is not saved in childbearing but by the shed blood of Christ on the Cross.

    Unfortunately, that has not made him consider that, likewise, further study may be required to get a better understanding of 1 Timothy 2:14.
