
Thursday, 24 February 2022

My perpetrator will be held accountable: Jane's experience P/5

Read Part One HERE


I will continue to share the story of a young woman's experience at The Master's College (now The Master's University or TMU), which is connected to Pastor John MacArtur's church, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, USA. I will call her Jane eventhough that is not her real name. Her story covers a number of years of her life starting when she was fifteen before she entered The Master's College.

 Jane: "My head is starting to clear now. I know I've been raped, and fondled and used as a propped up blow-up doll date for the stranger. Good thing I know what to do! I have been trained by the best and godliest people on the planet. I will be supported and cared for, and I can get Biblical counselling right here at school. I will make it through this."

Jane: "I go to the police. They do a rape kit and stick me in a room where alternating good cop and bad cop question me and accuse me of lying. I confront them and say, "This is not how you treat a rape victim. I am studying to become a rape counsellor and this is the opposite of what you should do." They apologise and mumble something about protocol.They promise to help. It doesn't matter I have the church and my Bible College. Furthermore, my perpetrator is in the Seminary. He will be held accountable for his actions." 

Read Part Six HERE


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