I will continue to share the story of a young woman's experience at The Master's College (now The Master's University or TMU), which is connected to Pastor John MacArthur's church, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, USA. I will call her Jane eventhough that is not her real name. Her story covers a number of years of her life starting when she was fifteen before she entered The Master's College.
Jane: "I'm back on Campus thank God! I find my RD (Resident Director) and pour out all the details of what has transpired. She tells me I have broken the rules, that I signed a contract promising not to do drugs or drink and that even ballroom dancing is prohibited. "You need to talk to Rick Holland, " she says."
Jane: "Her reaction surprises me. I am horrified. Maybe I asked for this. Maybe I did come on to the stranger. Maybe this is all my fault. Maybe I have to marry him since he is the only person I have ever had sex with. I have never even kissed a boy before, but maybe that is the only way to make this right."
Jane: "These thoughts are confirmed by the female Biblical Counsellor named Sandra who has been assigned to meet with me. "You know, marrying him will fix this whole thing," she says to me."
Jane: "She tells me all the good that will come from this rape and speaks of God's will and joyful suffering and not putting myself in situations like this again."
Read Part Seven HERE
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