
Wednesday, 16 February 2022

The stranger offers me a soda: Jane's experience P/3

 Read Part One HERE




In this post I will contine to share the story of a young woman's experience while at The Master's College (now The Master's University or TMU), which is connected to Pastor John MacArthur's Church, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, USA. I wil call her Jane even though that is not her real name. Her story covers a number of years of her life starting when she was fifteen before she entered The Master's College.

Jane: "Four of the seminary students live together and I know three of them. The fourth, a stranger, who I have met maybe once, sits by me at dinner and asks if he can get me a soda. I thank him and say "yes", but half an hour later I start to feel foggy. Everyone begins to discuss going ballroom dancing after dinner. I want to weigh in but my words are slurring and I can't move my legs. The rest of my friends start laughing because I am acting funny. They remember I suffered a concussion yesterday and think I need to go to bed. They urge the stranger to take me to my dorm room so I can rest. By this time he has to carry me out of the restaurant. No one thinks this is strange or seems at all concerned. I black out."

Jan; "I am drifting in and out of consciousness. I do not know where I am.The stranger is with me and is assaulting me. He will not leave me. I hear him grinding and mixing some concoction. He is forcing me to swallow more alcohol. It tastes like it has sand in it. He insists I drink more. I wake up choking and coughing. Everything goes dark."

Jane: "I am awake again and it's morning, or early afternoon. I can't tell. I'm still in this strange bed. The stranger is carrying me to the living room where the same friends and seminary students are drinking beer and watching a movie. The stranger spills a beer on me because I can't hold it right. I don't want beer. I have not had food or water in some time but I cannot articulate this. Everyone is still laughing at me."

Read Part Four HERE


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