
Monday, 28 June 2021

Women Cannot be Senior Pastors: Robert Jeffress P/7

                                                                               Read Part One HERE  

In this post I will continue to focus on Dr Robert Jeffress, Pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas who told his daugther when she was 11-years old that she could not be "head" or senior pastor just as he could not have babies...

Hello, everyone.... I would once again like to introduce a woman from the Bible to Pastor Robert Jeffress using Miriam as the one to introduce her... "Hello, Miriam again.... How time flies... It is only a few days ago that I introduced my friend Mary Magdalene to my pastor friend you have gotten to know so well... Today I would like for him to meet my friend Lydia.... "Hello Pastor... Miriam here... Please allow me to introduce a friend of mine named Lydia."... "Thank you, Miriam, for introducing me."... "Yes, Pastor, as you have already heard from Miriam, my name is Lydia... You may have heard of me.... If you have then you will know that I was a successful business woman... However, though I was successful in business I lacked peace in my heart... One day I was in Philippi, Macedonia for business... On the Sabbath Day I had gone to the beach to join a women's prayer meeting... That day a visitor joined us.... His name was Paul... You may well know of him... If you do then you will know that he used to be a very religious Jew named Saul....That he was in fact, a Pharisee... As a Pharisee, he should have never spoken to us, women.... For that would have been against the rules.... But he spoke to us that day... Because, as he told us, he had had an encounter with the Lord Jesus...And because of that encounter his life had completely changed... That meant that his view on women had completely changed as well... My heart was so touched after his preaching... Peace entered my life.... I then asked Paul and his companion Silas to stay with me.... They were delighted to do so... That day my home became the meeting place of the believers... We continued meeting long after Paul and Silas left town.... Many more believers joined us over time.... We became a thriving church in Philippi.... Everyone had a role to play in accordance with their giftings... It was so wonderful to see all believers fulfill their calling regardless of their nationality, status in life or gender as taught by Paul...You may like to read my story in Acts 16:11-40... I have heard rumours that over time Christians began to teach that the Apostle Paul limited the role of women to some extent just because they are women....However, I can assure you that Paul approved of the ministry of women and did not put any limits on it, apart from when some women needed to be corrected  first before they could teach...You look a little doubtful perhaps... Don't woryy, Pastor, I am sure Miriam will have some other women friends in mind for you to meet in time to come to help you understand how much Paul supported andencouraged women to function in theit God-given callings be it as co-worker, deacon, overseer or even apostle."...

Read Part Eight HERE


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